The yBook takes plain text (.txt) or HTML files and displays the contents as if they were printed in a paperback novel. This program does not use a lot of memory. A simple text editor is included as well. You can also set bookmarks and search for character strings. Page breaks are then inserted automatically. You can select Window size, font style and font size.

Project Gutenberg e-books - in a book-like manner.

Tom's eTextReader This free (freeware) program lets you read plain text files - e.g. In addition though, there are a number of other e-readers you can install for an enhanced reading experience. Your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Netscape, Opera etc.) will support reading of these e-books and you need nothing else. Mazak integrex 200 iv manual.For HTML and plain text e-books (.html. It contains more than 3,600 anatomical structures, including all major organs and systems of the male and female body. The application is a revolutionary 3D visualization and learning tool used to explore the systems of the human body.